Potential Questions


  • Digital Divide (access to technology (both physically accessible, skill levels and confidence levels in cryptocurrencies))
    • Depends on the demographics of the town.
    • Culture/Schooling
  • Environment
  • Privacy/security
    • everyone is able to see how rich/poor you are
    • your wallet can be used to track where you live
  • Loss of jobs
    • Central Bank - jobs created are higher level than jobs being replaced
    • Higher pressure on businesses to use the cryptocurrency (for a benefit of some sort)
    • Cost of training
  • Potential differences in converting currency

12 Markers:

  • understanding how new blocks are added to the ledger and how the proof of work prevents malicious nodes from taking over the MONS network

  • understanding how the MONS architecture is scalable and can remain efficient as the number of users increases

  • understanding the use of cryptographic techniques in the MONS project

  • explaining to the Santa Monica citizens how their MONS balance is calculated from transaction data securely stored in a publicly accessible blockchain ledger

  • investigating how the distributed nature of a blockchain cryptocurrency and the confirmation process may have disadvantages for the citizens of Santa Monica.

  • To deploy MONS as a new currency for Santa Monica successfully, Pablo has to convince his citizens that MONS is reliable in the long run, suggest and explain four challenges to be solved before large-scale deployment regarding the scalability. [12]

    • What challenges need to be solved before large scale deployment (more secure stuff)